Currently Getting Feisty About…


Some info about this cool talk! Wahoo!!!!

WOMEN! I bet you feel exhausted. And I bet you often feel like you don’t even remember what it feels like to be you. To feel truly ALIVE.

I’m gonna help you with that.

There is an ENTIRE GENERATION of women…

Somatic Intelligence
Interactive Talk + Learning Experience

Move over, Emotional Intelligence.

Or rather, make some room on the couch for your shy genius superstar cousin… Somatic Intelligence.

Soma, Latin for “body”

Most of the time, when we’re trying to figure out how our bodies & brains work… we rely on a long series of trial and error… and sometimes we just get lucky.

This doesn’t make any sense, especially when you don’t just “punch the clock.” If you own your own business, lead others, or need to be creative and productive reliably, we can’t just leave that to chance.

Instead, we need to start treating our bodies and brains like the tools they are, and learning about them the way any serious artist or master craftsperson would.

ALSO… we’ve watched our mental health decline the more we’ve yoked our worklives to technology… without

Bad news. A daily trip to the gym ain’t gonna combat it. (I’ve got data - sorry.)

When you unlock the wisdom of the body,

When you start to work with the wisdom of the body

When you debunk some myths about the way the brain works (that are just silly)

you start to succeed with flow, not hustle.

Inspiration, not pushing.

Balance, not burnout.


Whether you’re a solopreneur, juggling multiple roles and trying to stay motivated while working from home…

A busy executive trying to lead a team, do your own work, stay “accessible”, and not go bananas…

Or just a high-achieving human who wants to know how to consistently hit those days that feel like magic…

I made this for you.

Think about it… A true craftsman is an expert at the tools they are using.

As creative humans, our tools are:

  1. Our Brains

  2. Our Bodies

… And we are given woefully little education about how to use these tools to our best advantage.

Instead, we’ve grown up in a culture that sells us stories about ________, with technology that turns us into zombies, and we wonder why it feels so painful and counter-intuitive to work that way.

There IS another way.

Learn about the brain. Learn about how to work with your body for optimal efficiency, creativity, joy (what?), and mental health.

Learn about the body.

Kelsey uses “Somatic Intelligence” to encompass:

  • knowledge about the body & brain

  • fluency in listening to the body

  • deep familiarity with one’s own brain and how to work with it.

What emotional intelligence does for relationships, somatic intelligence does for productivity, creativity, mental health, and overall life satisfaction.

Learning how to work

Interactive talk - better for learning.

Get everyone in your organization

“Your body is not a brain taxi.”

Interested in upleveling the somatic intelligence level in to your conference or organization?

Quote Source

“We love having Kelsey in - she is awesome!”

Quote Source

“Everyone in our organization is working better since this talk - and it was so fun! We can’t wait to have her back.”

Have Something Special in Mind?

Interested in a custom keynote, workshop, or speaking experience that you’d like to talk to Kelsey about? She loves collaborations. Let’s talk…