Postcard from the path
I’d like to send you a postcard of
The morning chill scent of pine.
The exact brilliant green of new trees after rain.
The calm in my chest while my feet meander along a stream.
I’d like to capture
The absence of bitter things in my mouth, like
“We don’t have the time to…”
“Hurry up and…”
And “we can’t because.”
I’d like to infuse my postcard with
The holiness of a body-based alarm clock.
The re-remembering of what it is to feel rested.
The taste of… well, anything… after climbing up a mountain.
If I wrote in very tiny letters, I’d also describe
The view from the top,
Where I can see all the thorny things like
Zeroes in bank accounts.
Thousands in email inboxes.
The bile in my belly at being misunderstood.
It’s funny.
They didn’t go anywhere, those thorns.
But from way up here, they’re not as sharp.
Not as insistent.
Maybe I’ll send two postcards,
One for you, and one for me.
So I can remember what it’s like to see the thicket of thorns
But not be entangled in them.
Where I can see that
The brambles can also be beauty.
After all, that’s what’s really clear from up here -
A million shades of green -
It's the texture of life.